It’s simple, really. I want to bring people together and make images of the gooey, teary, wild, and perfectly imperfect chaos that we call life, so in 20 years’ time you can be proud of yourself as a parent, and your children will have a continued sense of belonging and connection to their story.
“I thought it would be boring but we had so much fun! Thank you, it was a very good time.”
— Aaban, 7 yrs old
“Forever is a composed of nows” Emily Dickson
Connection. Love. Belonging. We crave these things throughout our life because they are the ingredients that went into creating us as beings.
From my own crazy and incredible experience of childhood, I’ve come to understand and appreciate the value of preserving life as it is now, in the everyday. Right now, in this moment, life is happening, and your story is unfolding. It’s perfect! Just as it is, not in a year once you’ve done this or got that, or in three years when things have changed. Right now!
The every day, the normal, the not-so-normal, the tears, the joy, the fear, the squeals of laughter, the sleepless nights, the cuddles, the snotty noses, the tiny baby toes, the teenage tantrums. It’s perfect and it’s all part of your family’s story.
Imagine sitting down in 20 years’ time with your children as adults. Imagine sitting there and being able to relive their childhood with them. Not just through talking about stories but being able to show them and experience what their life, your family's life was like today, the honest story. Imagine how it will feel to reflect back as a parent on how much your children have grown and evolved, how much you as a parent and person have grown and evolved, and how beautiful perfect life was and is because it’s yours. Your life. Your loves. Your family. What an incredible gift to your future children and to your future self. Priceless.